hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer 5784 Day 4 נצח שבחסד Netzach SheBeChesed

Eternity. Perseverance. Victory. Will. Leadership. Endurance within Love. Generosity. Boundless Giving. Outreach. Lovingkindness.

On the 4th Day (as the story goes)

That Which Holds All said:

“Let there be lights in the Expanse of the sky”

And so, they were set in their places to bring light.

Hafiz wrote:

“Even after all this time

The sun never says to the Earth

You owe me.”

The Buddha (or someone speaking on his behalf) taught:

Create a field of well-being

And invite constellations of people -

Those you love, and those with whom you struggle -

Into the expanse

It’s a wondrous thing, is it not?

That Love is not a finite resource

Omer 5784 Day 5 הוד שבחסד Hod SheBeChesed

Omer 5784 Day 3 תפארת שבחסד Tiferet SheBeChesed