hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 32 נצח שבהוגד Netzach SheBeHod

Eternity. Generative Creativity. Active Force. Endurance within Splendor. Gratitude. Awe. Humility. Wow! 

Tonight, I am at the Pageant Theater in St. Louis, having just performed the final set in a series of shows warming up the crowd for the Indigo Girls. A number of ideas have rolled through my thoughts on tonight's topic, vying for air time on my page here. The deal was sealed when I made another sally into the wings to watch the Girls do a couple more numbers from my spot backstage. They are truly an Active Force of Generative Creativity situated in an atmosphere of Splendid Awe.  It's a wonderful crowd here tonight of about 2000 happy fans living the Wow! Of the moment. 

I have no way of knowing if I'll ever get an opportunity like this again, although I suspect it won't be the last. Whatever happens, I am sure to have an Enduring Gratitude for this incredible adventure - and to my dear friend Dom Kelly for making it happen. A friend of mine said to me the other day, "How many people get to check 'Opened for the Indigo Girls' off their bucket list?" I said that it never would have even occurred to me to put that one on the list! But here I am. Eternally Grateful for life's twists and turns and Splendid surprises. A Humbling experience, indeed, in the best possible way. Wow!

May you be blessed today with Enduring Gratitude for the awareness of the Splendors of your life. May your Generative efforts rise up into the Hodesphere!



From closest to farthest: Dom Kelly, Amy Ray, Emily Saliers



Omer Day 33 לג בעומר הוד שבהוד Lag B'Omer Hod SheBeHod

Omer Day 31 תפארת שבהוד Tiferet SheBeHod