hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Day 11 נצח שבגבורה

Netzach SheBeGevurah. Eternity, endurance, perspiration, day-to-day within Gevurah.

Today we ask ourselves: 

Can I maintain my disciplines? Can I experience the expanse of eternity around ALL THE THINGS I HAVE TO DO TODAY?

Anyone can start a diet. Anyone can start a blog. Anyone can start an exercise regimen. Things are so exciting at the beginning. Just like I wrote the other day - shiny new things! Wonderful moments of inspiration light up our lives, keeping dreams alive, and making new dreams. But these are not everyday occurrences. They are more like loose pearls that you hope to use adorn a jeans-and-T-shirt outfit. How do we string these together?

Can I make the day-to-day a holy experience? Those of you who know me know that my Torah always comes back to the Torah of addiction and recovery. As a person living in recovery, the holiness of the day-to-day is a part of my daily existence. The eating of each meal, the brushing of teeth, taking out the garbage. All the things that functional people do that I was unable to do because of my addictive illness take on a special glow that might be hard to understand for someone who didn't go down certain roads of dysfunction.

A big part of my practice for sanctifying the all-too-regular is gratitude.  When I take plenty of opportunities each day to thank the Source of All Blessing for whatever I can think of, the maintenance of the mundane becomes not something to be endured, but a vast expanse of awe to be enjoyed.

Day 12 הוד שבגבורה

Day 10 תפרת שבגבורה